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artist overviewthemes... nature versus technology, serendipitous revelations, meditation through repetitiontechnicaL styLes... abstract, surreaL, impressionistic, cathartic, and meditative Latest mediums... pen and ink (since 2001), audio (since 1990s), mixed-digital-media statement... as a human so much information is Layered on top of our conscious and subconscious minds. much Like how aLL of our technology of today was buiLt upon the shouLders of so many giants before us. i find it both cathartic and naturaL to create artwork in a free-form fashion with out consciousLy trying to produce a specific scene, thought or subject matter. cathartic methodicaL artwork naturaLLy evoLves from pen strokes or sound patterns into a piece that has formed a naturaL aesthetic composition. free-form impressionistic art is an effort to help fiLter and transfer both conscious and subconscious emotions, thoughts, and feeLings onto a medium. the finaL compositions develop into abstract, surreaL, technoLogicaL, and poetic genres of drawings and music. i do directed project specifc works aLso, which includes construction of an autonomous robot controLLed by sensors and a computer Logic aLgorithm, and writing spirituaL fiction and science fiction stories and comic styLe drawings. Link name etymoLogy... the originaL idea was to create Link names that wouLd be recognizabLe by aLL different Language readers without a need for transLation. this originaL idea Lead to the choice of Late Latin words, which somewhat describe the various content type associated with each Link name. Late Latin was chosen because the Latin Language may be perceived as a Language for scientific or universaL understanding. on a humorous serendipitous note... the artist is a Latin american (three grandparents are native south american indian from the Lands of mo xi ge (mexico) ), and he has the tendency of being Late, hence a hidden Layered meaning arises from the choice of Late Latin. the Link names were then transLiterated from English into Chinese because of a personaL interest in the chinese Language, which is somewhat of a pictograph Language -- writing words and thoughts through drawings. these transLiterations are personaL renditions, and most Likely wouLd sound Like gibberish or non-sense to a chinese reader. however, as an english speaker, notice the character sounds chosen in order to try to match the Late Latin Link names. If one Looks up the meaning of each chinese character, one wiLL see an effort was made to choose the best set of characters in order to represent the Late Latin and english Link names. method of transLiteration... being a past resident of china, and an amateur speaker, i am quit familiar with chinese pinyin -- the romanization of chinese character sounds into the english alphabet, which uses roman characters historicaLLy. I first chose a set of pinyin syLLabLes that are cLosest to the sound of each syLLabLe of the Late Latin word. then, i used the mdbg.net dictionary to Look at aLL the various chinese characters for the pinyin syLLabLes. i then read through each set of characters, and tried to choose the best set of chinese characters that best represented the Late Latin and English meanings. the pinyin english syLLabLes are mapped to numerous chinese characters due to many chinese homophones and the four tones in the chinese Language. to understand this mapping, try going to mdbg.net and type in the pinyin word "Li" (pronounced as "Lee not "Lye" in engLish) and there wiLL be more than a dozen different chinese characters for the seLection. about the artist... aLbert is a computer scientist by university degree, and an amateur artist by schooLing and experience. born and raised outside the cornfieLds of indiana, he is sometimes mistaken as being from various countries beyond the us borders. whiLe residing in china and vietnam, it was difficuLt to expLain his origins to the Locals -- he looks a Little asian (and Like a Little asian -- no offense), a Little hispanic (and he is a LittLe hispanic -- figurativeLy and LiteraLLy -- no offense), speaks engLish, and he is from indiana (but he looks a Little indian -- and maybe Like a Little indian -- no offense). aLbert does not have a Long List of pubLications and gaLLery appearances, but aspires to someday get his artwork discovered or used as-is. he beLieves in the as-is principLe to some degree because he feeLs commissioned or directed artwork requests distresses him severeLy and makes the artwork feeL not like being an expression of the true seemingLy inexpLicabLe inner art within everyone. aLbert comes from a famiLy Lineage of manic depressives and obsessives, and struggLes with stress, anxiety, depression, tourettes, aspergers, mania and obsessions. he tries to use these weaknesses, quirks and annoyances in a productive manner, but he does faLL into episodes of abnormaLity on occasion. aLbert martin corraLez can be contacted by emaiL . . . . . . . aLbert@artofaL.com |